Brainwriting Template
Generate Ideas at the Speed of Thought
Conduct rapid idea-generation sessions on Creately’s infinite canvas.
- Specialized frameworks for brainwriting, brainstorming, mind mapping, planning, and more
- In-app video conferencing, synchronous editing, real-time mouse tracking, and change previews for seamless team collaboration
- Have productive brainwriting workshops while keeping the participants engaged and active

- Specialized frameworks for brainwriting, brainstorming, mind mapping, planning, and more
- In-app video conferencing, synchronous editing, real-time mouse tracking, and change previews for seamless team collaboration
- Have productive brainwriting workshops while keeping the participants engaged and active

Uncover Multiple Perspectives

Draw anything you want. Complete flexibility where you can gather everyone’s ideas in one canvas and plan accordingly.
Over 1000+ professionally created templates which can be used to identify ideas related to different scenarios.
Extend your app’s data sets with additional fields and properties and organize selected ideas accordingly.
Infinite canvas; scale up to 1000s of items in a single view which you can use based on your preferred ideas.
Convert Ideation Sessions Into Actionable Plans

Copy paste screenshots into the canvas to annotate and share with others quickly if you have written ideas in other platforms.
Manage sharing and permissions with multiple access levels and roles and get opinions and suggestions on ideas which have been finalized within creately itself.
Workspace level status tracking. Mark workspaces where you can move ahead with your preferred ideas starting from draft to final.
Professional Diagramming tools enable users to draw over 50 types of diagrams with format specific capabilities based on your ideas.

Create an Environment of Free Flowing Ideas

Real-time cursors for any number of participants. Get multiple inputs across different teams.
Built-in Video conferencing to facilitate friction-free interactions.
Comment on anything, with context. Full comment threads and discussions for async collaboration related to ideas which each individual identifies and writes down.
What Is a Brainwriting Template?
Developed by Bernd Rohrbach, brainwriting is a technique used by teams to generate new ideas. Unlike in a traditional brainstorming exercise where everyone speaks out their ideas, during a brainwriting exercise, the participants write down their ideas. It’s a great approach to allow shy or introverted team members, who are generally reluctant to speak, to engage in the sessions productively.
How to Run a Brainwriting Session?
- Open a Creately brainwriting template and share it with the rest of the participants. Even if they are joining remotely they can join via in-app video conferencing and provide their input on the canvas in real-time.
- To keep the session running efficiently, you can assign a moderator who can make sure that everyone stays on track.
- Decide the time limit for each brainwriting round and the number of rounds for the session. It’s also important to clarify how each participant should switch columns (i.e. counterclockwise or randomly as decided by the moderator) as they improve upon the ideas of other participants.
- Introduce and explain the problem thoroughly and begin the first round. To avoid confusion, you can number or name each column on the brainwriting canvas, so as it passes around, everyone knows what column they should write on next.
- When the time is up, switch columns. The moderator can direct everyone to their respective column with the help of real-time mouse tracking on the Creately canvas.
- In the second round, the participants should work on adding to, modifying, or improving the idea written by the previous owner.
- Repeat the process until you complete the set number of rounds. At the end of the session, you can discuss and analyze the ideas and prioritize them.